Saturday, June 29, 2024

What is the Best Tip for any Author


What is the best tip for any author?   Keeping a journal.

It doesn’t matter if you write for adults or kids – always keep a journal with you to jot down ideas as soon as they strike.

And hey, you don’t need to go old school with paper (though I love my cheap composition notebooks). Note apps on your phone or digital journaling software work just as well.

Personally, I’m all about those classic composition notebooks. They're the perfect size to carry around. If an idea hits and my notebook isn't handy, I scribble it on any scrap of paper I can find and transfer it later.

Seriously, keep a journal! It’ll save you from kicking yourself later when you can’t quite remember that brilliant idea you had in the middle of the night.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Camping Adventure Activity Page


I've been working on other activity sheets to hand out this summer and BAM!  Thought of a new song too! HA!   Here is a free camping adventure activity sheet - I hope you like it!  I believe you may be able to edit as you wish.  Enjoy!

Monday, June 17, 2024

Shark Week Activity Page on Canva


In honor of Shark Week, I put together a coloring/activity page to hand out at our library.  Of course I had to include the first part of the S-H-A-R-K bingo song; but there are other things as well.  Feel free to edit as you see fit and use with your kiddos!

Access the activity page template here:

Shark Week Activity Page

Thursday, June 13, 2024

The Bingo Books have a new look


I spent the better part of a week after work updating the covers of my books and lowering the prices of all titles.  It.took.forever.

Since their publication, I have had a difficult time conveying to people that the books are written to the song "Bingo"  (There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his name-o.  B-I-N-G-O etc).  People see "A Bingo Book" and think of the game.  A few people have suggested writing the title of the book with the dash between each letter, as they do in the lyrics of the song.  So, I am giving it a go!

What do you think?   I do like the bigger, bolder text myself, however I believe the dashes may help people understand the books visually before picking them up to check out the inside.   I'll be curious to see!

Friday, June 7, 2024

The need for diversions


For a brief time while in college I worked morning shifts for a bakery.  There were a lot of regulars.  One in particular would come in, get a glazed donut, cup of coffee and would read the newspaper comics. He once said to me that this ritual was his diversion and that everyone needs a diversion to keep their mind sharp.  That thought has stayed with me, and I have even expounded upon the topic. Everyone certainly needs a diversion - they need something that is theirs and theirs alone, shared only when they choose to share.  Something away from family and work.  Something away even perhaps from friends.  Something that is all their own giving them an outlet to release their creative energy, reflect on life/problems/joys and manage their thoughts.  Something they control in a way they see fit.  

For me, my picture books have been a diversion which allows them to still be fun (instead of pressures of deadlines or demands).   My books are a creative outlet and also an educational one.  I utilize my education sharing information in their creation that I hope will be helpful to adults and their kiddos.  I design them with a purpose.  I work on them in quiet corners of the house or late into the night when others are sleeping.  The time is my own. I have the Great British Baking Show on in the background (there's a Roku channel that plays it 24/7 !) the animals stay near keeping me company and I can mutter to myself without anyone saying "what?".  

When I am ready, I can share them with family to get their opinions.  We may hash out rhymes or page layouts, or perhaps I'll end up trashing the whole thing and starting fresh.  None of this is upsetting mind you - I love the creative process and treasure the time spent on the books, but I needed something more.

My Redbubble store  was the cumulation of crazy marketing ideas and a need for another creative outlet. I have darn near 500 glass plate negatives from my grandpa.  I have only scanned about 300 but there are so many that I think are simply lovely.  I've bounced around ideas on what to do with them... just prints?  Or could there be more?   Then of course I wished to also advertise my picture books - how could I do this?  Could I come up with hot dog puns to help sell Five Little Hot Dogs ?  Well yes I could!  And my Redbubble store was born. 

As of now I have over 60 designs and more ideas in my head!   Now that I don't have any books in the works, this gives me the opportunity to continue to stay up into the wee hours and still create.   Check them out and let me know what you think!  And also share your diversions! What do you do for yourself and your own growth?

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Another Marvelous Event in the Books!


Yesterday was the 2024 Reading Rocks in Rockford event and I had a fantastic time!

It started off running into a librarian friend Sara who along with a couple other staff helped me get my shade tent up!  I struggle with that thing so much - especially when I am alone.  I really need to invest in a fancier, easy-up tent if I am going to continue to use one!

Next I ran into Kevin Kammeraad who I knew as a performer we had at our library for years.  Hadn't seen him since pre-covid.  As with many, things blossomed in other directions for him during Covid and he is now not performing as much, but does have a PBS show Wimee's Words which is based on one of his last puppets I saw - a robot puppet!  How cool is that?!  You never know where life might take you.

When the author's row opened, I had my first mom and son heading towards my table so I pulled out my microphone and sang "Do you love to sing?! and he took my mic and we started singing Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes"!  How magnificent!   He was a charming kiddo and they stopped by again for more singing later.

I think what sets this event apart from regular craft shows is that it is for readers - they host school reading awards, there's a library book sale and then of course the author area, so it attracts people who love to read.  I do love craft shows: you get to talk to people who are pleasantly surprised to see a table full of books.  It is a joy to talk with people about my books - people interested in them, people wanting to write, people with questions about reading levels and learning to read tips; it is all so much fun and rewarding!

I think with the school reading awards, it is really geared towards writers of children's books, but that's K-18.  A wide range!   If you missed it this year, take a look next year.  It is worth it! 

*** note, I keep using pictures of my set up because I think authors new to events might want to get ideas!