You do not need to spend money to support your author friend! There are many things you can do that will not cost you a cent! Speaking as a librarian, suggest your local library purchase your friend's book! Maybe they won't buy it, but it gets the title out there an on the radar.
Share their posts! Perhaps a friend you have will be interested in their book and may not have heard about it in any other way. You could make a few friends completely happy by simply sharing a post.
Tell other friends about them. Maybe connections you have will help your author friend. Possibly someone you know is interested in self-publishing but doesn't know where to begin. You could connect the two friends who can then help each other out. Or possibly one of your friends would like your author friend to come talk to their class or group about publishing, literature, the writing process, their book! You never know!
Follow them online! If you click their links you can find them - they probably have a Goodreads page, an Amazon author page, maybe their own website or blog or newsletter. Give them a follow! It will make their day!
Provide constructive criticism! Really! If you are friends, a little criticism isn't going to hurt if you are helpful with it. Don't like the book cover? Tell them and tell them why and offer suggestions. They will appreciate the honesty!
You do not need to buy their book to support your author friend. Simply continue being a supportive friend to them!
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