Books have been selling, but with the way Amazon KDP is set up, I really have no idea where the sales are coming from. I can tell the country, but not if it is a company/library or a person. I also can't tell how they made it to the book's page - were they following a link or did a search take them there? I know this may seem like odd information, but I am starting with basically zero knowledge in marketing! Anything I can learn helps me get a better understanding of how things work.
Next up, I am going to attempt PR boxes! All I am saying so far is that they will focus on my two pirate books ARGH :) And I think I'm going to send them to random TikTokkers who comment on a post. Maybe to a couple local libraries too. We shall see! It's probably a month off. But I'm trying!
Any other ideas I should look into for self-promotion?