Thursday, October 27, 2022

Where are the orders coming from


Books have been selling, but with the way Amazon KDP is set up, I really have no idea where the sales are coming from. I can tell the country, but not if it is a company/library or a person.   I also can't tell how they made it to the book's page - were they following a link or did a search take them there?  I know this may seem like odd information, but I am starting with basically zero knowledge in marketing!  Anything I can learn helps me get a better understanding of how things work.  

Next up, I am going to attempt PR boxes!  All I am saying so far is that they will focus on my two pirate books  ARGH :)    And I think I'm going to send them to random TikTokkers who comment on a post.  Maybe to a couple local libraries too.  We shall see!  It's probably a month off.  But I'm trying!  

Any other ideas I should look into for self-promotion?

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Free Candy Now!

 Yes, you can download my book Candy for free with Kindle Unlimited!  It is a fun book to sing this Halloween!   Written to the tune of "Bingo", Candy takes you through trick or treating in the neighborhood with all of your friends is ghoulishly fun costumes!  

Get a sneak peek at the book on the Amazon page

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Environmental Reading and Literacy Development

 Many moons ago, I was headed to the mall with my daughter.  As the bus approached the destination, my 18-month-old child cries out “McDonald’s!”   Ok, it was not that clear, but I knew what she was saying, and I knew what caused that reaction.  In front of the mall was the familiar golden arches, and much to my chagrin, my daughter already knew what those arches meant.  It is awesome that she made that connection, I just wish it had not been with a fast-food restaurant!Environmental reading is the ability for a child to read logos or signs usually in their natural context. They are taking the words and symbols used in logos and comprehending that they have meaning.  That the golden arches with the letters “M-C-D-O-N-A-L-D-S” through it means hamburger or restaurant or drink or McDonalds.    The ability to make this association is a huge step towards developing emergent literacy skills. 

As the grown-up, there are many things you can do to support this learning by assisting your child to understand that a sign or symbol with a group of letters together has meaning. 

  • Create a book 
    • If you are going on a road trip, create a simple book for your child of the road signs or attractions that they may see along the way.  You can make a game out of looking for the signs or practice reading the signs with your child. 
  • Kitchen Play 
    • If your child has a kitchen play area, use familiar empty boxes in the area such as macaroni and cheese, crackers, or cereal. 
    • You can also use the boxes as further letter recognition have having your child hunt for letters on the box such as all the Fs they can find on a box of Frosted Flakes. 
  • Label things in your house 
    • Make a sign that says “Kitchen” with a fridge and one that says “Bathroom” with a toilet.  Make a label for door with a picture of a door.  Basically, you are making homemade flash cards which are beneficial for letter recognition
When you are out with your child taking a walk, look for signs or symbols around your neighborhood that they recognize.  Ask questions “How do you know that is a bakery?”   Where would we go to buy ice cream?”  We are inundated with environmental print throughout our day on devices, televisions, on billboards and in stores; we might as well utilize it to help our young ones develop their literacy skills in a fun way! 

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Get ready for Christmas


Get ready for Christmas with Santa: A Bingo Book!  A book to sing with your little ones to get in the spirit AND learn a bit about Santa!   Each Bingo Book includes a fun activity at the back to further the fun.

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Looking for reviewers!


This is just a small selection of the books I have available for review! Do any look interesting?  Intriguing?   Leave a comment or send me an email and I will get you a pdf for a review - either in Goodreads or Amazon.  Both are fine by me.  Alternatively, pretty much all of my titles are free via Kindle Unlimited if you have access.  Read and review as many as you wish!

I greatly appreciate your time and input!

Monday, October 10, 2022

Get some Candy for Halloween


I figure one day someone is going to answer me and I’m going to jump outta my skin.  I’m had this whole plan for writing about how I got into writing children's books but them I got here and changed my mind.  

Still plenty of time before Halloween to order my new holiday book! If Halloween is not your thing, check out my other titles, many free via Kindle Unlimited! Thank you!

Friday, October 7, 2022

How Should I Promote My Books Online?


So far there has been no views on my blog LOL  but that is ok!  I need someplace to write and can't easily do so on Amazon or Goodreads, so here I am creating a blog on Blogger!   Funny thing is that years ago I did have a fairly popular blog on Blogger, but it got too much to keep up with, so I closed it up.  When I gave up the name (Read it again mom), it was snatched up right away by someone who didn't even do book reviews, which is what I was doing.   Well, I did book reviews and crafts actually.  

In any case, I wanted a blog to talk about my author experience, so here I am again.  I'm still doing reviews over on Goodreads  but this time I have my own books there as well!  I'm trying to find my way around Goodreads as an author, and it's a bit daunting.  They really don't like you talking about your own books, so where can I promote them?   Right now, my blog, Instagram and Facebook - basically hitting people who already know me and know about my books!  

Maybe I should try TikTok?   I am open to any ideas here!  

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Animal Books Abound!

The requests for a book featuring the Hippo and one featuring the Lemur got me thinking about more animals.  I already had a couple of books, and added to those!   Growl, bleat, snore, leap with these wonderful, singable books for kids!   FREE via Kindle Unlimted!   In Amazon and other fine book sellers.