Well, I just spent a good portion of my morning altering the prices of all 50+ of my books (that includes the book about my grandpa, journals and coloring books). Holy Cannoli!
Amazon gave authors plenty of warning that the prices were going up on June 20th, but I wanted to put off upping my prices to compensate for as long as possible. I knew I was down to the last few days and really today was going to offer the best chance of getting it done.
Why the rush?
My current prices would not have allowed for "expanded distribution" so it would have messed things up for a bit if I didn't change the prices now. Expanded distribution allows for my titles to be in local bookstores and such, which I think it important.
So, they are now all higher - I AM SO SORRY!!! I do not like raising the prices. I kept them as low as possible.
While doing it figured out how much I have made per hour as "an author".... it comes to around 30 to 40 cents HAHAHA! I love it though and wouldn't change a thing!